Please pardon the mess around the outside of the church building
as we are having some landscaping work done.

Pick up a communion packet & ziplock bag from the tall tables in the auditorium or from the information centers in the main hallways before worship service begins.
Thank You
J.D. and I want to thank you for all the prayers, food, cards, and other outpouring of love during this last week. It was a blessing, and don’t know what we would have done without our Church family.  We are so blessed. J. D. & Celia Thomas
Promotion Sunday
Today is promotion Sunday. Students will promote to the next grade level.
Baby Class

The Baby Class will reopen today. Babies will dismiss to the children’s area in the main building during the sermon.
CASA Meeting
There will be a CASA meeting in the Ark for all going on the mission trip immediately after worship next Sunday, June 13. Please be in prayer for our trip, July 2-10.
Casa de la Esperanza
We are still collecting items for the children’s home in Mexico. The deadline for toothpaste, laundry detergent and shampoo is June 27. 

Man Alive
Men, join us on Saturday, June 12, at the Barnabas Center for breakfast and a time of community and challenge from 7:30-9 AM.
Father’s Day

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 20. Come early for craft sodas and breakfast burritos to honor our fathers.

Christian Theater Workshop - July 19-25
The cost is $50 per person.  Register on the app, on the QR code, or at

Youth Ministry

  • Sunday June 6: No Park Avenue Youth meeting tonight.
  • Sunday June 6: We leave for Boles Mission Trip at 2PM this afternoon! 
  • Zenith & Cornerstone: If your students would like to go to Zenith or Cornerstone camps please sign-up by today (June 6) to save money! 
Parents we want your students to come to camp and mission trip with us this summer. Please do not let funds be a reason they can’t come. If you need a  scholarship please talk to Tyler.

Kevin Dale, Mike Hardy, Mike Morgan, Karen Stogner, Kim Pendergrass, David Thomas, Roy Galyon, Peggy Clark, Linda Bell
Ongoing Needs
Larry Long, Garland Nevil, Jim & Jane Scroggins, Kimberly Pendergrass, Corky Armstrong, Dewey Martin, Ken Washburn, Bob Corley, Sandra Aynes, Terry Waggoner, Lisa Cobble, Bobby & Peggy Slaughter, Sandra Thomas, Gene Stogner, James Hawk, Debbie Hawk, Nancy Richards, Bob Tollison, Kaile Williams (Norris)
Ray & Marsha Jones, Chris Keene, JD Huffman
Hammer & Dela Afakule (Togo), Mario “Pepe” Torre (Monterrey, Mexico), Jimenez family (Cartagena, Colombia)
Friends of Park Avenue
Jason Morgan (son of Mike & Patti Morgan), Rebekah Taylor (great niece of the Russells), Becky Sanchez (wife of Gil Sanchez,  Director of orphanage in Mexico), Kathy Hill (friend of Chris & Candsis Slaughter

Good morning and welcome to our worship.

Summer is upon us!  We had a great kickoff last Wednesday with Church on the Lake. The weather was fantastic and the fellowship was sweet. And that's not even mentioning the good food we enjoyed.  Thanks to the church staff for putting all that together. In addition to our ministerial staff we are blessed to have Sue Lain, Joan, Mark, and Mike. They do so many things behind the scenes that help us pull off all the things going on here at PACOC.

Let me encourage you to make Wednesday nights at the church a summer staple as we gather together to watch The Chosen. Spending time considering the great life and teachings of Christ will always come back to bless us. I saw a sign at a local church recently that says, “Jesus is God’s selfie.”  As the Hebrews writer says, Jesus is, “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.” We know God better by seeing Him in Jesus.  We will have some chairs set out, but if you want to bring your fancy-dancy chair you are welcome to do that. We will also be serving refreshments.

Thanks again for your generosity in our Debt Reduction Contribution last Sunday.  Every extra dollar applied to the principal saves us money in interest and brings us closer to being free from that debt. At this pace we will have the Ark paid off in less than three years—12 years faster than the original loan!

Today we will continue our journey through I John. This morning we will be in 1 John 3:11-24.
It’s so good to be together to worship. Glad to see all our church family and a warm welcome to our guests.


 Sunday Schedule

Adult Bible Class - 9AM Atrium

Worship - 10:00 AM

Children Dismissed to Bible Classes at - 10:45-11:30AM
2 & 3 Year Olds—Nursery Area
Pre K-6th Grade—Family Life Center

Youth Group Activities - 5:30-7:30PM

 Discipleship Making Communities (DMC’s)
Meet at various times and locations. Contact Lantz Howard for more information.
Park Avenue Church of Christ
3000 S. Park Avenue,
Denison, TX 75020